Scenario Context

One of the most powerful feature of Herogi is customizing actions and validations. This customization is not limited with static data, you can also use dynamic data which available in session context. This way you can create full custom actions for each session in the scenario.

Event Data

Each incoming event bundled with default informations and also additional event parameters. All these data are available in scenario context.

Built-In Parameters

Data listed below is always available for each event;

Key Data Type Sample Value Description
_sessionId STRING userId123 Current session identifier of incoming event
_eventName STRING loginEvent Name of incoming event
_scenarioName STRING BlackFriday Active scenario name
_timestamp NUMERIC 1490709926 Timestamp of incoming event

Accessing and Using Event Data

Getting and using event data is easy;


and this will be replaced as;


You can also mix static data and dynamic data together, for example;

Hello ${event._sessionId.value()},

You entered the ${event._scenario.value()} at ${event._timestamp.value()?number_to_datetime?string("YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")} with event ${event._eventName.value()}

and this should be replaced as;

Hello userId123,

You entered the BlackFriday at 2017-03-28 21:10:00 with event loginEvent

Additional Parameters

In addition to default event parameters, you can use event parameters bundled with event and sent by api or clients in same way.

If registerEvent has three parameters like fullname,birthday,email, you can get these parameters in any scenario context;

${event.fullname.value()}, ${event.birthday.value()}, ${} 

If the parameters have values John, 01-Jan-1983, john@example, result will be;

John, 01-Jan-1983, john@example

Aggregation Data

If you enable aggregation on any of event parameters, aggregation functions and data will be available in the scenario context.

Available aggregation functions are;

Function Data Type Sample Value Description
min NUMERIC 10 Miminum value
max NUMERIC 1300 Maximum value
avg NUMERIC 465 Average value
count NUMERIC 8 Total number of occurence

Accessing and Using Aggregation Data

If addToCart event has an aggregated parameter called amount, you can use aggregation functions in any scenario context;

${event.amount.min()}, ${event.amount.max()}, ${event.amount.avg()}, ${event.amount.count()}

If the parameter have three history values like 10, 12, 5, result will be;

5, 12, 9, 3

Tip: Actual aggregation results can be different depends on aggregation type

Session Data

Session data is pretty much similar to event data. Once you define session in the scenario, you can have session data in the scenario context.

Tip: Data should be added in to specific session by KeyValueStoreAction

Accessing and Using Session Data

Getting and using session data is easy, if you have session defined as username in the scenario, you can get it;


and this will be replaced as;
