
Using Listeners is one of the easiest way to integrate with Herogi. You can easily configure a listener with an event mapping and then run it to send events in real-time. Once listener is running it will listen data source as event source and map incoming data to actual events and then it’ll send it to Herogi Api.

There are two types of listeners available at the moment, file listener and sql listener.

File Listeners

If you have csv or excel files which are generated by other process, you can use it as event source without modifying that file and then you can run a file listener to send that data as events without writing any code.

You can download File Listener from our github repository.

Configuring a file listener is easy, at minimum you need to provide simple event mapping which describes how your data will be represented as events. You can use static configuration like parameter1, parameter2 which sent as it is or you can use index or column name to map a parameter to one of columns 0, 1 or col1, col2.

Listener Configuration

  # Name of listener, it will be used in logs
  name = "listener"
  # Interval to check data directory. Available units seconds/minutes/hours/days
  interval = 5 seconds
  # Input directory, listener will use this directory as file source
  inputPath = /file/path
  # Archive directory, once listener process the content of files, it will move file to this path
  archivePath = /tmp/
  # Offset flust cycle, default is 10
  # offsetFlush = 10

Example event mapping configuration:

  # Mapping configuration for events. Supported types static/name/index
  # Use static for predifened configuration. E.g. registerEvent
  # Use index for mapping parameter to specific column in file by index. E.g. 4
  # Use name for mapping parameter to specific column in file by header. E.g. username
  event-mapper {

    # Session id for event
    sessionId {
      type = name
      value = "username"

    # Scenarios which will get the event
    scenarios {
      type = static
      values = ["scenario1", "scenario2"]

    # Event name
    name {
      type = static
      value = "registerEvent"

    # Event parameters as key -> val, keys refer to actual parameter, values refer to equivalent in the file
    params {
      type = "name"
      values = {
        p1 = "fullname"
        p2 = "age"

To understand better, lets have an example csv file which has content like this;

td,Tyler Durden,34

This will be converted to event after mapping as;

Event 1: 

eventName -> registerEvent
scenarios -> scenario1, scenario2
sessionId -> funkeng
parameters -> p1 : Chris, p2: 29

Event 2: 

eventName -> registerEvent
scenarios -> scenario1, scenario2
sessionId -> td
parameters -> p1 : Tyler Durden, p2: 34

Sql Listeners

If you have sql tables used/populated by other processes, you can use it as event source without writing any code. You just need to run a sql listener to send that data as events.

You can download Sql Listener from our github repository.

Configuring a sql listener is easy, you need to provide a sql query to run with an interval. Once you provide a query, sql listeners will run that query on the database which you provided as connection string. Sql listener supports dynamic querying by setting a reference column (datetime or int based). If you provide a condition on these kind of columns, you’ll end up by consuming only new records on each iteration.

For example;

SELECT * FROM users WHERE creation_date > {creation_date} ORDER BY creation_date

This query will give you, only new registered user in that table on each iteration.

Rest of the configuration is similar to file listener, event mapping which describes how your data will be represented as events. You can use static configuration like parameter1, parameter2 which sent as it is or you can use index or column name to map a parameter to one of columns 0, 1 or col1, col2.

Listener Configuration

  # Name of listener, it will be used in logs
  name = "listener"

  # Interval to run query. Available units seconds/minutes/hours/days
  interval = 5 seconds

  # Sql connection settings
  connection {

    driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/yourdb"
    user = "username"
    password = "12345678"


  # Query to run, specify sliding conditions by using curly brace, e.g. {creation_date}
  query = "SELECT * FROM yourtable"

  # Type of sliding query, several modes are available dateColumn | numericColumn | lastSchedule
  sliderType = "dateColumn"

  # Column to use in sliding queries as reference value
  sliderColumn = "creation_date"

  # Initial start value for sliding based queries, default is current timestamp
  #start = "2009-12-12T00:00:00"

Event mapping configuration;

  # Mapping configuration for events. Supported types static/name/index
  # Use static for predifened configuration. E.g. registerEvent
  # Use index for mapping parameter to specific column in table by index. E.g. 4
  # Use name for mapping parameter to specific column in file by header. E.g. username
  event-mapper {

    # Session id for event
    sessionId {
      type = name
      value = "username"

    # Scenarios which will get the event
    scenarios {
      type = static
      values = ["scenario1", "scenario2"]

    # Event name
    name {
      type = static
      value = "registerEvent"

    # Event parameters as key -> val, keys refer to actual parameter, values refer to equivalent column in the table
    # Don't forget to prefix column name with table prefix. E.g. table1_col1, table1_col2, table2_col1
    params {
      type = "name"
      values = {
        p1 = "users_fullname"
        p2 = "users_age"


To understand better, lets have an example sql table users which has rows like this;

td,Tyler Durden,34

This will be converted to event after mapping as;

Event 1: 

eventName -> registerEvent
scenarios -> scenario1, scenario2
sessionId -> funkeng
parameters -> p1 : Chris, p2: 29

Event 2: 

eventName -> registerEvent
scenarios -> scenario1, scenario2
sessionId -> td
parameters -> p1 : Tyler Durden, p2: 34

If you want to skip event parameter mappings, you can just provide empty block like this;

  event-mapper {

    # Empty parameter blocks 
    params {
      type = "name"
      values = {


This will be converted to event after mapping as;

Event 1: 

eventName -> registerEvent
scenarios -> scenario1, scenario2
sessionId -> funkeng
parameters -> 

Event 2: 

eventName -> registerEvent
scenarios -> scenario1, scenario2
sessionId -> td
parameters -> 

If you want to use all available columns as event parameters, you can just remove whole parameter configuration;

  event-mapper {

    # Session id for event
    sessionId {
      type = name
      value = "username"

    # Scenarios which will get the event
    scenarios {
      type = static
      values = ["scenario1", "scenario2"]

    # Event name
    name {
      type = static
      value = "registerEvent"

    # No parameter configuration provided

This will be converted to event after mapping as;

Event 1: 

eventName -> registerEvent
scenarios -> scenario1, scenario2
sessionId -> funkeng
parameters -> users_username : funkyeng, users_fullname : Chris, users_age : 29

Event 2: 

eventName -> registerEvent
scenarios -> scenario1, scenario2
sessionId -> td
parameters -> users_username : td, users_fullname : Tyler Durden, users_age : 34

Starting Listener

Once your listener configuration is completed you can run it by simply ./ on linux systems. Log file should be available as /var/log/herogi/filelistener/application.log

Not: You need to create log directory and give sufficient permissions to user running listener.

Stopping Listener

Stopping listener is straight forward, you can use ./ on linux systems. Keep in mind that it will delay the stop till finish current batch.